
Attendance Information

Attendance is not only important but required.  Students learn best when they are present and engaged in class. We strive to provide students with a rich and engaging learning experience. ALL students are required to be in the class Zoom session with their teachers. Students may have some, but very little, asynchronous time throughout the day. Teachers document attendance multiple times a day. If your student needs to miss school (all or part of a day), we highly recommend you communicate with the classroom teacher for missing work. It will make returning to class smoother for everyone.  Students are marked absent if they are more than 10 minutes late to class or leave more than 10 minutes before the end of class. 

If your student needs to be out for any reason, please email attendance notes to within 3 business days. If the parent or legal guardian does not submit an absence note, the absence is considered unexcused. 

Documentation that is submitted should include:

Notes can be sent via email by the parent/guardian of the student.  Attachments of doctor’s notes can also be submitted via email.  Absences due to technology connection issues can only be excused with a note from the service provider stating there is an outage or service call for your home. 

Excessive absences can prevent a student from being successful in any school. Attendance is one factor that affects a student's eligibility in remote learning. If a student has 7 or more unexcused absences, a conference with the family may be called. 

Here is our student handbook for further reference if needed.